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Wise Dog Tarot Reading for the Collective August 17th

Mj Cullinane

Good morning!

We are in a position to create something—to bring something into our world that we are passionate about, however, the problem may be that because it doesn't look like what we expect it to appear as we dismiss it or consider it lost. The call this morning is to let go of rigid beliefs that may prevent you from seeing that your goal will come in stages.

The Queen of Wands in the present position points to a determined force within you to get the job done—whatever that is for your current situation. You have a fierceness to you right now that will not allow you to settle for anything less than success. Because of your passion, you will find that it will be easy to attract others who want to help you along the path. When you allow your inner-royalness to shine, you will not only plant the seeds for a positive outcome, you will know exactly what it will take to get the grandest most beautiful results!

The problem arises with the Five of Cups in that you are manifesting your dreams; however, they may not come to you exactly how you envisioned them. For example, if you envisioned an apply tree and what you get is a sprout, you may discount that little sign of success and feel as though your dreams are lost. However, what you receive is not the end but a sign that something is happening that your ideas are manifesting—they just don't quite look like what you expect.

The Knight of Swords arrives in the advice position, indicating that perhaps it is a rigid belief that is keeping you from seeing or believing that you are on your way to success. When you allow for more ideas or interpretations, you will be more receptive to understanding your goals as they are during each phase of development.



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